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weather JOKES (random)

There is a Shreveport cable TV channel that broadcasts the (live) video of the Shreveport radar and the audio of the NOAA weather radio station.
When explaining why he knew he should go into meteorology, he said that when he was young, he would sometimes watch the channel even when there were no echoes, just for fun.

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 1 - Why did your sister cut a hole in her new umbrella ? Because she wanted to be able to tell when... More ››
 2 - Ole and Lena were sitting down to their usual morning cup of coffee listening to the weather rep... More ››
 3 - The Indians asked their Chief in autumn, if the winter was going to be cold or not. Not really... More ››
 4 - A weather intern walks into a bar and asks for a Cold Draft. Suddenly the bar door swings open a... More ››
 5 - The Michaels family owned a small farm in Canada, just yards away from the North Dakota border.... More ››
 6 - Out in Kansas, tornadoes often hit with sudden devastation, and without warning. In one case, a... More ››
 7 - Years ago, Nebraskans got tired of leaning into the wind, having their top soil blown away, and... More ››
 8 - During the month of June and July. Here in the panhandle it got pretty hot in this area. In Fa... More ››
 9 - You're hiking around on Hampsted Heath (a park near London) at the end of a long sunny day. You... More ››
 10 - There is a Shreveport cable TV channel that broadcasts the (live) video of the Shreveport radar... More ››
 11 - There was a communist named Rudolph. One day he looked out the window and said, "It looks like a... More ››
 12 - The U.S. has only three hurricane warning centers - Coral Gables, FL, Guam, and Honolulu, HI (re... More ››
 13 - Two Viking invaders are trudging up the beach in the pouring rain. One looks skywards and says,... More ››
 14 - If you are standing in the main street of Amsterdam, and can't see the clock tower of the Centra... More ››
 15 - A city boy was on his first camping trip. He was eating his lunch under a tree when an old-tim... More ››
 16 - A tornado walks into a bar and orders a Hurricane. The bartender asks why he is ordering a Hurri... More ››
 17 - Recently during the heavy rains they have experienced in New England the mail carrier for one ne... More ››
 18 - Rumor has it that the new Miami baseball team will be called "Humidity" so that fans in Florida... More ››
 19 - 'You never get anything right,' complained the teacher. 'What kind of job do you think you'll... More ››
 20 - A man was driving a black truck. His lights were not on. The moon was not out. A lady was cros... More ››
 21 - I really don't understand why the federal government was so slow to send aid to the areas hit... More ››
 22 - Why did the Aggie take a golf club and a baseball glove storm chasing with him? -To golf th... More ››
 23 - "Gosh, it's raining cats and dogs," said Fred looking out of the kitchen window. "I know," sai... More ››
 24 - First cave man to 2nd cave man: "I don't care what you say. We never had such unusual weather... More ››
 25 - In the summer desert heat, what did a dust devil say to the over-talkative dust devil? -You... More ››
 26 - Where did the meteorologist stop for a drink on the way home from a long day in the studio? Th... More ››
 27 - Q. What's the difference between 'weather' and 'climate'? A. You can 't 'weather' a tree, but... More ››
 28 - If six children and two dogs were under an umbrella, how come none of them got wet? Because it... More ››
 29 - Two weathermen each broke an arm and a leg in an accident, and called from the hospital about... More ››
 30 - What did the lightning bolt say to the old oak tree? -Hang onto your bark, this will be no... More ››
 31 - Why do hurricanes travel so fast? Because if they travelled slowly, we'd have to call them... More ››
 32 - How does a male lightning bolt feel when he notices an attractive female lightning bolt?... More ››
 33 - What did the hail storm say to the roof? -Hang onto your shingles, this will be no ordinary... More ››
 34 - What did the hurricane say to the palm tree? -Hang onto your leaves, this will be no ordina... More ››
 35 - Q: What's the difference between a horse and the weather? A: One is reined up and the other ra... More ››
 36 - How to predict weather in Seattle: If you can see Mt Ranier, it's going to rain. If not, it alre... More ››
 37 - What are hurricanes with a central dense overcast over the eye called? -Hurricanes with cat... More ››
 38 - If a band plays music in a thunderstorm, who is most likely to get hit by lightning? The condu... More ››
 39 - Why did the lady go out doors with her purse open? Because she expected some change in the wea... More ››
 40 - Nate: "Hey, what's the weather like out there?" Kate: "I don't know. I'll tell you when it clear... More ››
 41 - Why is it so wet in Great Britain? Because of all the kings and queens that reigned (rained) ther... More ››
 42 - Why can't meteorologists forecast the weather? -They are too busy studying comets and meteo... More ››
 43 - Jill: How did you find the weather on your vacation? Bill: I just went outside and there it was... More ››
 44 - There's a technical term for a sunny, warm day which follows two rainy days. It's called Monday.... More ››
 45 - Q. What did one tornado say to the other? A. "Let's twist again, like we did last summer...."... More ››
 46 - It was so hot today I saw a robin picking earthworms out of the ground with a pair of tongs.... More ››
 47 - What did the primary rainbow say to the secondary rainbow? -Your pants are on backwards... More ››
 48 - Q: What did the thermometer say to the other thermometer? A: You make my temperature rise.... More ››
 49 - What did Santa Claus's wife say during a thunderstorm? 'Come and look at the rain, dear.'... More ››
 50 - How did you find the weather at camp? It was easy. I just went outside - and there it was!... More ››
 51 - If a farmer raises wheat in dry weather, what does he raise in wet weather? An umbrella.... More ››
 52 - Q) How do you spot a happy motorcyclist in fair weather? A) He's got bugs on his teeth.... More ››
 53 - Why did the tornado get arrested? -For speeding, theft, vandalism, assault and murder... More ››
 54 - Why do mother kangaroos hate rainy days? Because then the children have to play inside.... More ››
 55 - What type of sense of humor does a dust storm have? -A very dry sense of humor... More ››
 56 - How did the hail stone describe it's life? -It really has a lot of ups and downs... More ››
 57 - What kind of umbrella does the Queen of England carry on a rainy day? A wet one.... More ››
 58 - Why do raindrops like lightning at night? -So they can see where they are going... More ››
 59 - What type of wind is named after Santa Claus's warm climate cousin? Santa Ana... More ››
 60 - It only rains twice a year in Seattle: August through April and May through July.... More ››
 61 - What is the most popular sport played by raindrops and hail stones? -Diving... More ››
 62 - Q: What did the hurricane say to the other hurricane? A: I have my eye on you.... More ››
 63 - Why don't tornadoes watch Bill O'Reilly on FOXNEWS? -It is a no spin zone... More ››
 64 - Why did the updraft get pulled over? -It was speeding in a high shear zone... More ››
 65 - Q. What did the fog say to the light rain after her vacation? A. I mist you.... More ››
 66 - How is a hailstone like an onion? -They are both whitish and have layers... More ››
 67 - Where is a tornado put in jail to be punished? -In a high pressure cell... More ››
 68 - How can you tell if a tornado is stupid? -If it spins anti-cyclonically... More ››
 69 - What do freezing rain and cake icing have in common? Both are a glaze... More ››
 70 - Who is it that everybody listens to but nobody believes? The weatherman.... More ››
 71 - How easy is it for wind gusts to talk to each other? -It is a breeze... More ››
 72 - What type of sense of humor does rain have? -A very wet sense of humor... More ››
 73 - Why does frost not like to lay out in the sun? -It burns too easily... More ››
 74 - Why was the lightning grilled on the stove? -To make heat lightning... More ››
 75 - What type of wind is named after both a cat and a bat? Katabatic... More ››
 76 - Q:What did the tornado say to the car? A:('You wanna go for a spin?')... More ››
 77 - What doesn't get any wetter no matter how much it rains? The ocean... More ››
 78 - Fred: I'm sure I'm right. Betty: You're as right as rain - all wet!... More ››
 79 - What type of music do lightning bolts listen to? -Rock and Roll... More ››
 80 - What is the most popular game played by tornadoes? -Catch my drift... More ››
 81 - What is a hurricane's favorite pet? -Anywhere from 1 to 5 cats... More ››
 82 - Why were the vets and pounds mad? It was raining cats and dogs... More ››
 83 - What do hurricanes most like to eat for dessert? -Candy Canes... More ››
 84 - How is snow white? -Pretty good, according to the 7 dwarfs... More ››
 85 - A postcard home: The weather is here. Wish you were beautiful.... More ››
 86 - What do clouds want to be when they grow up? -Thunderstorms... More ››
 87 - Why type of lightning likes to play sports? -Ball lightning... More ››
 88 - What do lightning bolts do when they laugh? -They crack up... More ››
 89 - How did the rainbow know is was lost? -It was a clear day... More ››
 90 - Why is the sky not happy on clear days? It has the blues... More ››
 91 - What is a Mexican weather report? Chilli today, hot tamale.... More ››
 92 - What cloud is so lazy because it will not get up? -Fog... More ››
 93 - Why do tornadoes move so erratically? -They are dizzy... More ››
 94 - How do sheep keep warm in winter ? Central bleating !... More ››
 95 - What is the opposite of a cold front? -A warm back... More ››
 96 - What type of wind is named after a young deer? Foehn... More ››
 97 - Which weather features do druggies like most? Highs... More ››
 98 - Why did the weather want privacy? -It was changing... More ››
 99 - What happens when the fog lifts in California? UCLA.... More ››
 100 - Where do lightning bolts go on dates? -To cloud 9... More ››
 101 - What is a tornado ? Mother nature doing the twist !... More ››
 102 - Where do wind gusts go to on dates? -To Chicago... More ››
 103 - What are the hottest days during summer? Sun-days... More ››
 104 - What person adds best in hot weather? A summer.... More ››
 105 - What game do tornadoes like to play? Twister.... More ››
 106 - How do rain drops marry? -They coalesce... More ››
 107 - How do hurricanes see? With one eye.... More ››
 108 - What is hail ? Hard boiled rain !... More ››
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